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November 10, 2019

Family Digital Safety Tips

digital safety tips

There is so much to worry about when it comes to keeping kids safe online. Teaching kids to navigate the digital world is ongoing and ever changing. Don’t miss these digital tips along the way.

Make the Rules

Decide ahead of time what is appropriate for internet usage at home. Digital technology can be useful for a number of things. Just remember who’s in charge and decide how much time is enough time. Set rules on what apps can be used and what sites can be visited.

Encourage Other Activities

Along with setting limits on internet and digital device usage, encourage involvement in other activities. Whether its sports, music, reading, or another hobby, make sure it’s something lowe tech for a change every now and then.

Practice Family Participation

Choose a few fun activities to enjoy as a family. This can help keep family connections strong.

Set a Good Example

Setting a good example online is key to putting kids on the right path. Acting appropriately on social media and the internet can go a long way towards showing kids what’s acceptable.

Set Parental Controls

Set parental controls on digital devices and apps, including email too. This can prevent things like inappropriate material being seen or downloaded onto devices. Wireless networks within the home can be set with controls to limit time and monitor activity. Monitor TV and other streaming sources as well for time spent and age-appropriate programming.

Don’t Use Technology as a Babysitter

Although children are savvy when it comes to digital technology, it’s important not to rely on devices as a crutch for keeping kids calm or quiet. Give kids another kind of outlet through hobbies, music or sports to channel energy more effectively.

Keep Bedrooms Tech-Free as Long as Possible

Keep kids’ rooms tech-free as long as possible as a means of a disconnecting daily. Place charging stations in a communal place like the kitchen to avoid the temptation of using digital devices late at night. Encourage better homework rituals and sleep patterns by keeping phones and tablets out of the bedroom.

Give Online Permissions

Be the boss and make kids ask for permission before joining social networks or signing up for email accounts. Make kids enable the right privacy settings on apps. Require that kids ask before downloading anything, even games and other freeware.

Provide Instructions

Make sure kids know the digital dangers and how to avoid them. Teach kids early on how to post appropriately, what to share and not to share, and how to navigate the internet. If kids are educated about what they are doing online, some of the more common mistakes can be avoided sooner.

Provide Instructions

Make sure kids know the digital dangers and how to avoid them. Teach kids early on how to post appropriately, what to share and not to share, and how to navigate the internet. If kids are educated about what they are doing online, some of the more common mistakes can be avoided sooner.

Do the Homework

There are more than 80,000 apps that are described as teaching apps, however, many apps are not proven to be useful at all. Study app descriptions, read reviews and do the research on which apps are really helpful versus which apps may actually be quietly harmful.

Categories: Digital Safety, Safety Tips

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